First and foremost, I want to thank the Bjornstads for putting on this amazing party. Everything about it was perfect. The food was so good and Classic Party Rentals is the best! But most importantly, thank you to Jenny. Jenny is truly the best friend a person could ever hope to find in a lifetime. Not only is she a stunningly math teacher and tennis partner, she is always kind, always giving, always supportive, always loving. She puts up with my crappy tennis game and constant commentary on the court. She inspired our daughters in the classroom and in life. The list is too long, there are too many things. But I want her to know, I appreciate it all. I can never hope to repay all your love and kindness Jenn.
And Kathy, my other BFF. Thank you so much for the gorgeous organizing for this party. Thank you, Kathy, for getting me off my butt to put together net wit. We’ve had so much fun picking out shirts, coming up with sayings, and lugging them around. I hope you can keep it going, but if you don’t have the time and it’s just too much, that’s OK too. We’ve learned so much, and it’s been wonderful having breakfast meetings, happy hour meetings, and after tennis lunch meetings. Who knew that business could be so much fun? Kathy, you are such a dear, sweet friend – I’m gonna miss you so much!
Thanks also to my family for being so supportive of this crazy decision to go to Africa with the Peace Corps. In so many ways, if the next two years will be tough --these years will be the hardest on them. They are the ones who have to hold up the fort here at home. Nick is talking about taking a month to join me in my mud hut without a toilet or electricity. Traveling around Africa, fixing something – anything that needs fixing. There is nothing that man can’t fix. Girls, give him a call. But I can’t talk about Nick and our two stunning daughters without breaking out in tears so I won’t … just know that I love you and I doing so this, in some small part, so you can be proud of me.
It’s been a difficult decision to come to terms with. And of course, I don’t know now whether it has been the right one. I may never know, but I feel that this is something I have to do. Who knows, maybe I can make some small difference in the world. Maybe I can help someone who I don’t even know now. Maybe I can motivate someone, someone who is poor, someone who has AIDS, someone who doesn’t believe in the future, to have a better life. To believe in themselves, to believe in their culture, to believe that things can be better than they are now. Maybe I will surprise myself too along the way.
Don’t forget to write me, call me, Skype me, and send me packages. Red Vines are always good. And come visit. I will miss you all. But, you know, two years isn’t a very long time. All of you with children know how fast two years can speed by. One minute the kids are starting kindergarten, the next minute they are graduating from college. Two years will go by with a blink of the eye. Before you know it, I will be back again, on the tennis courts, in the writing class, in the book club, sitting at the bar. I will be back, boring you with all the daily details of my adventure. Be good to each other and hold down the fort until I'm home again.
My address, at least at first, is:
Ruth Marvin Webster, PCV
PO Box 2797
Mbanbane H 1000, Swaziland
P.S. Apparently it's good to put Africa on the letter, things have been known to go to Switzerland. Not a bad idea either, to add "Jesus Saves" on the outside.
Sorry I wasn't there to say "Goodbye." I will miss you- even though I moved first! I have something to send you and you will know why when you see it.
ReplyDeleteBe safe and take care of you!